Our first year with the Christmas chain link. My little man was only 2!
- Have a Christmas movie night.
- Make reindeer food.
- Decorate the tree.
- Have a Christmas scavenger hunt.
- Drive around the neighborhood to see Christmas lights.

- Deliver homemade goodies to neighbors.
- Visit Dutch Wonderland for Christmas.
- Make pinecone bird feeders.
- Wrap Daddy's present.
- Bake cookies.

- Wrap brother/sister's present.
- Kids decorate a tree for their bedroom.
- Make Christmas cards for classmates.
- Make pinecone Christmas trees.
- Make handprint/footprint ornaments.

- Make teacher's gift.
- Exchange gifts with friends.
- Visit the train garden at The Shops at Kenilworth.
- Make paper snowflakes.
- Make gingerbread houses.

- Pick out a new ornament for the tree.
- Watch NORAD to track Santa.
- Make handprint wreaths.
- Visit Valley View Farms to see the Christmas decorations.
- Write a letter to Santa.

- Watch the Thanskgiving Day Parade on TV.
- Help set up the train garden.
- Go Christmas caroling.
- Do Christmas stained glass paintings.
- Make snow dough.

- Bring out our Christmas books.
- Mail Christmas cards.
- Make beaded snowflake ornaments.
- Make wrapping paper with paper and stamps.
- Visit the KKI's Festival of Trees.

- Make marshmallow snowmen.
- Make pipe cleaner chain link garland.
- Make Christmas pictures on the Lite Brite.
- Open Christmas Eve present (pj's).
- Do a tree-dot painting.

- Watch the Lighted Boat Parade at the Inner Harbor.
- Help put up outside decorations.
- Visit area mall to see tree lighting.
- Visit the library to check out Christmas books.
- Visit Santa.
- Christmas Storytime at the library.
- Make Christmas tree shaped recycled crayons.
- Make a Christmas wish list.
- Make candy cane patterns.
- Play Christmas BINGO.
Do you have other ideas to share? Please comment here to tell us some other fun activities you could do with your children during the holiday season. We are always looking for new ideas!
You have some terrific ideas, Kimberly! I have really enjoyed reading your blog.